2021 Indiana Chapter Annual Meeting
Tuesday, September 14th, 2021
12:30PM - 4:00 PM
Registration Fee: $75.00
All are welcome to the IN Chapter Annual meeting. This event takes place the afternoon before the Annual Trash Can Open. Association business will be conducted including chapter elections and NWRA updates. Members will hear the latest update on chapter advocacy and discuss chapter initiatives. The meeting will begin with a social lunch followed by the business meeting. A cocktail social reception will follow. SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE - Lunch Sponsor $500 - Cocktail Sponsor $350. Tent cards with sponsor logo will be displayed.
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
1:30 PM
Business Meeting
2:30 PM
Guest Speakers
4:00 PM
Adjourn to Cocktail Social reception
Columbia Club
121 Monument Circle, Indianapolis IN 46204